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We Love ‘They Ask You Answer’ and You Will Too

At Semper Fi Digital, we have fully embraced the They Ask You Answer philosophy. What is They Ask You Answer? It is a business framework with a singular focus, a singular obsession and that is to answer the questions that our customers are asking. It is based on the belief that an educated prospective buyer becomes a happy, satisfied customer. It is truly that simply and yet the results can be extraordinary for the businesses who are courageous enough to be completely transparent and answer the difficult questions that prospective buyers want answers to.

The creator of the They Ask You Answer philosophy is Marcus Sheridan. When faced with the likelihood of having to declare bankruptcy after his business was virtually wiped out overnight due to the global financial crisis of 2008, Marcus and his business partners decided to do something radical. They made a promise that if a prospective buyer asks a question, they must have an answer for it… they ask, you answer. So for every extra minute of every day, Marcus brainstormed every possible question that a prospective buyer would want an answer to as it relates to their buying process. He provided answers to each of the questions he wrote down and that content became the backbone of the content on the website. And this obsession with supporting the prospective buyer in their buying process paid off. Not only did the business not have to declare bankruptcy, instead his company grew to become the largest manufacturer of fibreglass swimming pools in the world.  They Ask You Answer not only saved his company, it made his business thrive.

Today, the They Ask, You Answer methodology is used by thousands of businesses around the world, including B2B and B2C companies in retail, manufacturing, home improvement, software, healthcare, real estate, and dozens of other industries.

At Semper Fi Digital, we encourage all of our clients to read the They Ask You Answer book written by Marcus Sheridan. If the information aligns with you (as it has done for us) then share the book with your leadership, marketing and sales teams and begin implementing They Ask You Answer.

The 10 Core Concepts:

1. The Big 5

Five content topics areas that will dramatically increase organic traffic, qualified leads, and quick sales: 

  • pricing and costs
  • problems
  • versus and comparisons
  • reviews
  • best in class

2. Assignment Selling

Utilizing content effectively in the sales process, from prospecting to closing, yielding better-educated prospects

3. In-house Content Management

Bringing the majority of the content creation process in-house resulting in content that is faster to produce, less expensive, and better aligned with your organization’s needs

4. Revenue Team

Repositioning the marketing and sales teams into a single “revenue” team encouraging collaboration leading to increased revenue

5. Learning Centre

Organizing the content on the website that acts like a learning centre so that visitors can find what they are looking for quickly and easily

6. The Selling 7

Producing seven types of videos that help the customer build a relationship with the brand before they reach out to the sales team

7. Virtual Sales

Adopting a video-first business process, from 1-1 video prospecting to sales call best practices.

8. Self-Service Tools

Making buying easy for the prospective buyer with chat, scheduling tools, and more touchless customer experiences

9. Sales and Marketing Alignment

Uniting your key business departments around shared goals and core strategies which encourages teamwork

10. Martech and CRM adoption

Embracing data-driven business decisions by utilizing available technology properly, equiping your whole team to use it correctly, end to end

They Ask, You Answer aligns your marketing and sales teams around shared growth goals and will position your business as the trusted resource in your industry.

If you implement this framework at your business, you’ll see dramatic increases in organic traffic, more (and better) leads, and sustained revenue growth.

At Semper Fi Digital, we are here to support you and help you achieve your most important goals. We can help you implement the They Ask You Answer methodology if you are ready to take the leap. And if your preference is to continue to outsource some or all of your digital marketing needs, our full-service agency would love to work with you.

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